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Households / ... / Metering


There is no need to change your current meter (Cumulative Meter) in order to enjoy Senoko Energy services for households.

However, the option to change to an Advanced Meter is available at a one-time installation cost of $40 before GST ($43.60, after prevailing GST) for customers who wish to track their energy usage every half hour via our mobile app.

Please note that there is also a 30 minutes service disruption upon successful installation of an Advanced Meter.

Cumulative Meter

Most residential premises use cumulative meters. Every 2 months, SP Group conducts a meter reading and records your electricity usage. On months when the meter is not read, you will be billed an estimate usage. While there is less accuracy in monthly consumption, your total usage every 2 months is still accurate.

Advanced Meter

The Advanced Meter allows electricity consumption to be measured and read remotely at 30-minute intervals. This means meter readers will not need to go to your premises, and you can measure your electrical usage more accurately.

To install an Advanced Meter, there will be one-time fee of $40 (before GST) per meter per installation.

Reading Your Electricity Meter

Submit Your Electricity Meter Readings

Although it is optional, you can actually submit your meter readings to SP Group so that your monthly billings will be more accurate according to your home's energy consumption! Read our blog article to find out how.

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Read more about the meter types and their functionality from Energy Market Authority.

If you suspect that your meter is faulty, you can request for a meter test through SP Group at 1800 778 8888 or contact us.